Browsing by Author "Holzinger, Andreas"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Biometrical Signatures in Practice: A challenge for improving Human-Computer Interaction in Clinical Workflows
Holzinger, Andreas; Geierhofer, Regina; Searle, Gig
339-347 -
Design and development of a LO -editor for the virtual medical campus Graz
Holzinger, Andreas; Wascher, Ingemar; Steinmann, Christian
440-449 -
Explainable AI (ex-AI)
Holzinger, Andreas
138-143 -
Explainable AI and Multi-Modal Causability in Medicine
Holzinger, Andreas
171-179 -
Generating Explanations for Conceptual Validation of Graph Neural Networks: An Investigation of Symbolic Predicates Learned on Relevance-Ranked Sub-Graphs
Finzel, Bettina; Saranti, Anna; Angerschmid, Alessa; Tafler, David; Pfeifer, Bastian; Holzinger, Andreas
271-285 -
HCI-Ausbildung in Österreich – ein Überblick
Thurnher, Bettina; Weidmann, Karl-Heinz; Kempter, Guido; Holzinger, Andreas; Andrews, Keith; Tscheligi, Manfred; Erharter, Dorothea; Stary, Christian; Purgathofer, Peter; Baumann, Konrad; Nischelwitzer, Alexander K.
62-66 -
Interactive Machine Learning (iML)
Holzinger, Andreas
64-68 -
Measuring the Quality of Explanations: The System Causability Scale (SCS)
Holzinger, Andreas; Carrington, André; Müller, Heimo
193-198 -
Mobile Anwendungen für Medizin und Gesundheit
Novak, Jasminko; Ziegler, Jürgen; Hoppe, Ulrich; Holzinger, Andreas; Heintze, Christoph; Böckle, Martin
227-230 -
Semantische Informationsextraktion in medizinischen Informationssystemen
Holzinger, Andreas; Geierhofer, Regina; Errath, Maximilian
69-78 -
Towards Interactive Recommender Systems with the Doctor-in-the-Loop
Holzinger, Andreas; Valdez, André Calero; Ziefle, Martina
Verbinden von Natürlicher und Künstlicher Intelligenz: eine experimentelle Testumgebung für Explainable AI (xAI)
Holzinger, Andreas; Müller, Heimo
33-45 -
XP + UE → XU Praktische Erfahrungen mit eXtreme Usability
Holzinger, Andreas; Slany, Wolfgang