Capability Driven Development: An Approach to Designing Digital Enterprises
The need for organizations to operate in changing environments is addressed by proposing an approach that integrates organizational development with information system (IS) development taking into account changes in the application context of the solution. This is referred to as Capability Driven Development (CDD). A meta-model representing business and IS designs consisting of goals, key performance indicators, capabilities, context and capability delivery patterns, is being proposed. The use of the meta-model is validated in three industrial case studies as part of an ongoing collaboration project, whereas one case is presented in the paper. Issues related to the use of the CDD approach, namely, CDD methodology and tool support are also discussed.
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Bērziša, S., Bravos, G., Gonzalez, T. C., Czubayko, U., España, S., Grabis, J., Henkel, M., Jokste, L., Kampars, J., Koç, H., Kuhr, J.-C., Llorca, C., Loucopoulos, P., Pascual, R. J., Pastor, O., Sandkuhl, K., Simic, H., Stirna, J., Valverde, F. G. & Zdravkovic, J.,
Capability Driven Development: An Approach to Designing Digital Enterprises.
Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 57, No. 1.
(S. 15-25).
DOI: 10.1007/s12599-014-0362-0
author = {Bērziša, Solvita AND Bravos, George AND Gonzalez, Tania Cardona AND Czubayko, Ulrich AND España, Sergio AND Grabis, Jānis AND Henkel, Martin AND Jokste, Lauma AND Kampars, Jânis AND Koç, Hasan AND Kuhr, Jan-Christian AND Llorca, Carlos AND Loucopoulos, Pericles AND Pascual, Raul Juanes AND Pastor, Oscar AND Sandkuhl, Kurt AND Simic, Hrvoje AND Stirna, Janis AND Valverde, Francisco Giromé AND Zdravkovic, Jelena},
title = {Capability Driven Development: An Approach to Designing Digital Enterprises},
journal = {Business & Information Systems Engineering},
volume = {57},
number = {1},
year = {2015},
pages = { 15-25 } ,
doi = { 10.1007/s12599-014-0362-0 }
author = {Bērziša, Solvita AND Bravos, George AND Gonzalez, Tania Cardona AND Czubayko, Ulrich AND España, Sergio AND Grabis, Jānis AND Henkel, Martin AND Jokste, Lauma AND Kampars, Jânis AND Koç, Hasan AND Kuhr, Jan-Christian AND Llorca, Carlos AND Loucopoulos, Pericles AND Pascual, Raul Juanes AND Pastor, Oscar AND Sandkuhl, Kurt AND Simic, Hrvoje AND Stirna, Janis AND Valverde, Francisco Giromé AND Zdravkovic, Jelena},
title = {Capability Driven Development: An Approach to Designing Digital Enterprises},
journal = {Business & Information Systems Engineering},
volume = {57},
number = {1},
year = {2015},
pages = { 15-25 } ,
doi = { 10.1007/s12599-014-0362-0 }
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ISSN: 1867-0202
Datum: 2015
Typ: Text/Journal Article