The GS SOIL portal prototype and its integrated network
The first year of implementing the eContentplus project GS SOIL “Assessment and strategic development of INSPIRE compliant geodata services for European soil data” by the large project consortium of 34 project partners out of 18 European member states already led to powerful deliverables (Feiden et. al. 2009, Kruse et. al. 2009). The soil and soil-related data available in the participating countries and by involved data providers were analyzed according to the kind, format, and intellectual property rights applied. By elaboration of best practice guidelines the provided and specific datasets will be systematically harmonized during the project running time. At the beginning of the project specific and generic requirements for soil information, services and products were identified by a range of user communities and stakeholders in the 18 participating countries. This requirement analysis resulted in a soil inventory and theme catalogue, which documents the current state and ability of data providers to meet the goal of data harmonization. The activities regarding an INSPIRE (European Union 2007) compliant GS SOIL data specification led to the definition of GS SOIL specific metadata profiles for soil geographic datasets / dataset series and data services. They were developed following the INSPIRE IR for metadata, other international, and national standards (like the ISO 19115 and ISO 19119), and the needs of the data users. Also soil specific test cases were defined as a basis for the development of a generic application schema. Further, the GS SOIL consortium supports experts in the recently established INSPIRE Thematic Working Group (TWG) to develop data specification for the theme soil of the annex III of the INSPIRE Directive. Finally, the project provides reference material for the TWG. This paper will focus on the establishment of the prototype for the GS SOIL portal and its relevant network in order to provide a one-stop-portal for an easy access to European soil data.
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Feiden , K., Kruse, F., Epitropou, V. & Karatzas, K.,
The GS SOIL portal prototype and its integrated network.
Greve, K. & Cremers, A. B.
Integration of Environmental Information in Europe.
Shaker Verlag.
@inproceedings{mci/Feiden 2010,
author = {Feiden , Katharina AND Kruse, Fred AND Epitropou, Victor AND Karatzas, Kostas},
title = {The GS SOIL portal prototype and its integrated network},
booktitle = {Integration of Environmental Information in Europe},
year = {2010},
editor = {Greve, Klaus AND Cremers, Armin B.},
publisher = {Shaker Verlag},
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author = {Feiden , Katharina AND Kruse, Fred AND Epitropou, Victor AND Karatzas, Kostas},
title = {The GS SOIL portal prototype and its integrated network},
booktitle = {Integration of Environmental Information in Europe},
year = {2010},
editor = {Greve, Klaus AND Cremers, Armin B.},
publisher = {Shaker Verlag},
address = {Aachen}
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