Know how to share and transfer Know-how
Experience shows that the effects leveraged by technology transfer initiatives can be improved in terms of short term success and long term sustainability. A shortcoming of today’s technology transfer initiatives is their character of selective interventions, consisting of a simple shift of knowledge and technologies from producers to consumers. To overcome this shortcoming we develop a number of components to be considered in planning a technology transfer initiative. This paper outlines these components and integrates them to a guideline which helps to select transfer instruments matching the overall objective of an initiative. The guideline which has its origin in a regional development project does not exclusively aim at the transfer of environmentally sustainable technologies but at knowledge and technology transfer in general.
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Tochtermann, K., Dösinger, G. & Gissing, B.,
Know how to share and transfer Know-how.
Minier, P. & Susini, A.
Sh@ring – EnviroInfo 2004.
Editions du Tricorne.
author = {Tochtermann, Klaus AND Dösinger, Gisela AND Gissing, Bernhard},
title = {Know how to share and transfer Know-how},
booktitle = {Sh@ring – EnviroInfo 2004},
year = {2004},
editor = {Minier, Philippe AND Susini, Alberto},
publisher = {Editions du Tricorne},
address = {Geneva}
author = {Tochtermann, Klaus AND Dösinger, Gisela AND Gissing, Bernhard},
title = {Know how to share and transfer Know-how},
booktitle = {Sh@ring – EnviroInfo 2004},
year = {2004},
editor = {Minier, Philippe AND Susini, Alberto},
publisher = {Editions du Tricorne},
address = {Geneva}
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