Environmental Reporting of Organizations – Extending the XML-based Standardization Using Topic Maps
Environmental reporting is an essential component of an organization’s communication with its stakeholders. The eXtensible Markup Language (XML), which is platform-independent and particularly well-suited for dealing with semi-structured data, seemed to be a good basis for creating a standardized data format for environmental reporting of organizations. Extending the XML-based standardization we use the new international topic maps standard to describe the complex structure and the meta-information of environmental reporting.
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Arndt, H.-K. & Günther, O.,
Environmental Reporting of Organizations – Extending the XML-based Standardization Using Topic Maps.
Minier, P. & Susini, A.
Sh@ring – EnviroInfo 2004.
Editions du Tricorne.
author = {Arndt, Hans-Knud AND Günther, Oliver},
title = {Environmental Reporting of Organizations – Extending the XML-based Standardization Using Topic Maps},
booktitle = {Sh@ring – EnviroInfo 2004},
year = {2004},
editor = {Minier, Philippe AND Susini, Alberto},
publisher = {Editions du Tricorne},
address = {Geneva}
author = {Arndt, Hans-Knud AND Günther, Oliver},
title = {Environmental Reporting of Organizations – Extending the XML-based Standardization Using Topic Maps},
booktitle = {Sh@ring – EnviroInfo 2004},
year = {2004},
editor = {Minier, Philippe AND Susini, Alberto},
publisher = {Editions du Tricorne},
address = {Geneva}
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Datum: 2004
Typ: Text/Conference Paper