Indicator-based Urban Typologies Sustainability Assessment of Housing Development Strategies in Megacities
The paper is based on research experiences of the development of GIS-based sustainability indicators in the application area of urban planning in agglomeration areas. These indicators are related to the European DPSIR framework (Smeets and Weterings 1999): with a strong focus on indicators for assessing the impact of housing developments on the environment. They characterise driving forces and pressures related to demographic developments in agglomeration areas and their manifestation in the resulting land consumption and impacts on the environment. Housing-specific impacts on the urban environment are represented by per capita land consumption, land-use change patterns, and availability of environmental-related public services and infrastructure and the resulting sectoral impacts on environmental media. These indicators form the basis for spatial typologies that are based on intersections of housing-related environmental data and statistical demographic and socio-economic information. How the current lack of experience in the building and availability of these kinds of combined socioenvironmental indicators limits the spatial assessment of environmental impacts of land-use changes resulting from urban planning policies in mega-cities will be discussed. Special attention will be paid to the importance of understanding the spatial structure of settlement area in agglomeration centres in order to develop standards and thresholds for indicators compatible with the observed spatial typologies. A main component used to describe the spatial pattern of agglomeration areas are urban typologies and their occurrence within the built-up area. Finally, it will be explained that the successful implementation of planning-related information and monitoring systems in urban agglomeration areas, requires a strategy that does not further ignore the spatial structure, dimension or demographic and socio-economic dependencies of indicators of housing-related environmental impacts on the environment.
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Storch, H. & Schmidt, M.,
Indicator-based Urban Typologies Sustainability Assessment of Housing Development Strategies in Megacities.
Tochtermann, K. & Scharl, A.
Managing Environmental Knowledge.
Shaker Verlag.
author = {Storch, Harry AND Schmidt, Michael},
title = {Indicator-based Urban Typologies Sustainability Assessment of Housing Development Strategies in Megacities},
booktitle = {Managing Environmental Knowledge},
year = {2006},
editor = {Tochtermann, Klaus AND Scharl, Arno},
publisher = {Shaker Verlag},
address = {Aachen}
author = {Storch, Harry AND Schmidt, Michael},
title = {Indicator-based Urban Typologies Sustainability Assessment of Housing Development Strategies in Megacities},
booktitle = {Managing Environmental Knowledge},
year = {2006},
editor = {Tochtermann, Klaus AND Scharl, Arno},
publisher = {Shaker Verlag},
address = {Aachen}
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