ISBEEM: Indoor Environment and Energy Management for School Buildings
The present paper describes an informatics system that is being developed for indoor environment and energy management in school buildings. On the basis of a workflow analysis performed, actions and tasks related to school building maintenance and management have been recorded, while users involved have been identified (teachers, administrators, engineers). ISBEEM supports the actions and tasks that need to be undertaken towards the improvement of indoor air quality and for optimising energy usage in buildings. Schools have been selected as the studied building category due to their importance and specific characteristics when it comes to the interactions they have with children. The system under development contains technical information, practical advices and suggestions and guidelines, in order to address problems that are recorder on the basis of predefined, school-tailored questionnaires. Java-oriented, open source related technologies are used, that allow for flexible, adaptable and low cost applications to be developed. The system and its services are platform neutral, support access via the internet using PC’s, laptops, PDAs or mobile phones, and will be made available via
- Vollständige Referenz
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Karatzas, K. & Bassoukos, A.,
ISBEEM: Indoor Environment and Energy Management for School Buildings.
Tochtermann, K. & Scharl, A.
Managing Environmental Knowledge.
Shaker Verlag.
author = {Karatzas, Kostas AND Bassoukos, Anastasios},
title = {ISBEEM: Indoor Environment and Energy Management for School Buildings},
booktitle = {Managing Environmental Knowledge},
year = {2006},
editor = {Tochtermann, Klaus AND Scharl, Arno},
publisher = {Shaker Verlag},
address = {Aachen}
author = {Karatzas, Kostas AND Bassoukos, Anastasios},
title = {ISBEEM: Indoor Environment and Energy Management for School Buildings},
booktitle = {Managing Environmental Knowledge},
year = {2006},
editor = {Tochtermann, Klaus AND Scharl, Arno},
publisher = {Shaker Verlag},
address = {Aachen}
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Datum: 2006
Typ: Text/Conference Paper