Managing the Information of Klima Climate Change Center: a Case Study of Best Practices
Knowledge is power. This is an old saying which has proven its veracity in the knowledge-based economy. In today’s business practices it is imperative that companies and organizations employ knowledge management as a strategy in order to become highly competitive in the pressures and challenges of the market. In the information revolution, a company’s survival depends on how information, being their core asset is well managed.
The klima Climate Change Center is an organization dedicated to informing people about the growing global issue of climate change. It is positioned to be the regional information hub on climate change, leading the East Asian region in protecting the global climate through information exchange, capacity building, and technical services.
Awareness and understanding of climate change is limited to few individuals and groups and klima’s main focus is for this issue to be adequately addressed. There are four critical themes that stakeholders must grasp in order to understand the issue of climate change:
Climate science and impacts
Vulnerability and adaptation
Climate policy
Klima Climate Change Center’s core asset is information. With its responsibility as an information hub, knowledge management is its engine in fulfilling its roles to service its stakeholders. This case study identifies best practices of knowledge management employed by klima. It will showcase its framework as a model to pave the way for other organizations doing the same work in protecting the environment. The framework will not work without its human intellectual capital and so klima also credits the role of knowledge workers in this case study as drivers in successfully achieving its goals.
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- BibTeX
Sanidad, D. L., Recabar, S. & Ibay, A. C.,
Managing the Information of Klima Climate Change Center: a Case Study of Best Practices.
Tochtermann, K. & Scharl, A.
Managing Environmental Knowledge.
Shaker Verlag.
author = {Sanidad, Donna Lyne AND Recabar, Sandee AND Ibay, Angela Consuelo},
title = {Managing the Information of Klima Climate Change Center: a Case Study of Best Practices},
booktitle = {Managing Environmental Knowledge},
year = {2006},
editor = {Tochtermann, Klaus AND Scharl, Arno},
publisher = {Shaker Verlag},
address = {Aachen}
author = {Sanidad, Donna Lyne AND Recabar, Sandee AND Ibay, Angela Consuelo},
title = {Managing the Information of Klima Climate Change Center: a Case Study of Best Practices},
booktitle = {Managing Environmental Knowledge},
year = {2006},
editor = {Tochtermann, Klaus AND Scharl, Arno},
publisher = {Shaker Verlag},
address = {Aachen}
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