“Let’s Talk about Gender” – Development of a Card Deck on (Gender) Sensitivity in HCI Research and Practice Based on a Contrasting Literature Review
Funding bodies in Western societies increasingly require researchers to address gender in their proposals – though often exclusively framed around binary notions. With oppressive power structures being prevalent and persuasive, these seep into current practices of Computer Science and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research. However, current curricula rarely provide actors in this space with grounded guidance on gender issues tied to their inquiries. Hence, developing an increased awareness of our societal responsibility towards equity can be challenging without an appropriate starting point. Drawing on a close reading of select literature discussing gender sensitivity in HCI research, we derived practical guidance in the form of recommendations for the design, proposal, conduct and presentation of research. Based on these recommendations, we then present the design of a card deck and initial tests thereof at ditact women’s IT summer university. Our analysis offers a starting point for HCI students and interested researchers to explore questions and issues around gender and to identify how gender relates to their research. This sensitisation may aid them in further reflecting on how they might better account for gendered implications of their work.
- Citation
- BibTeX
Burtscher, S. & Spiel, K.,
“Let’s Talk about Gender” – Development of a Card Deck on (Gender) Sensitivity in HCI Research and Practice Based on a Contrasting Literature Review.
i-com: Vol. 20, No. 1.
De Gruyter.
(S. 85-103).
DOI: 10.1515/icom-2021-0001
author = {Burtscher, Sabrina AND Spiel, Katta},
title = {“Let’s Talk about Gender” – Development of a Card Deck on (Gender) Sensitivity in HCI Research and Practice Based on a Contrasting Literature Review},
journal = {i-com},
volume = {20},
number = {1},
year = {2021},
pages = { 85-103 } ,
doi = { 10.1515/icom-2021-0001 }
author = {Burtscher, Sabrina AND Spiel, Katta},
title = {“Let’s Talk about Gender” – Development of a Card Deck on (Gender) Sensitivity in HCI Research and Practice Based on a Contrasting Literature Review},
journal = {i-com},
volume = {20},
number = {1},
year = {2021},
pages = { 85-103 } ,
doi = { 10.1515/icom-2021-0001 }
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ISSN: 2196-6826
xmlui.MetaDataDisplay.field.date: 2021
Language: (en)
Content Type: Text/Journal Article